Patient Tools

Hospital Care

Hospital Care

Our physicians have admitting privileges at Rogue Valley Medical Center.

Hospitalized patients are routinely seen by their physician once a day. Acutely ill patients are seen more frequently. During your hospital stay, you may be seen by more than one of our physicians.

If a family member has questions concerning a hospitalized patient, please call the Clinic at (541) 779-1672. We ask that large families appoint a spokesperson to talk with the physician and to relay the information obtained to the rest of the family. This saves time and expense in repeating the same information to different individuals.

SONSA Common Disorders

See List

Spine Disorders
See List

SONSA Neurosurgery

What is Neurosurgery

SONSA Specialities

SONSA Specialities:

Skull Based Surgery

Spinal Surgery Complex and Minimally invasive (MAST)

Stereotactic Radiosurgery Consulations

Peripheral Nerve Surgery

SONSA Patient Outcomes

Why ArePatient Outcomes Important?