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David H. Walker, M.D.

David H. Walker, M.D.

Physician and Surgeon: Neurological and Spine Surgery

david walkerBIOGRAPHY

Dr. Walker attended medical school at Duke University. He completed his surgery internship and neurological surgery residency at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, and an additional postgraduate fellowship in complex spinal surgery at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Walker joinedSouthern Oregon Neurosurgical & Spine Associates, PC in 2005 and is currently the director of development for Rogue Valley Medical Center’s spinal care program. Dr. Walker is one of only two fellowship-trained spinal neurosurgeons in southern Oregon. His fellowship, one of the most prestigious in the country, was a nationally competitive, post graduate program involving hundreds of cases with elite surgeons. Dr. Walker’s clinical interests include degenerative spinal pathology, minimally invasive spine surgery, and the treatment of complex spinal injuries and instability issues.


Clinical Interests: Degenerative spinal pathology, clinical outcomes research and application of evidenced based medicine, minimally invasive spine surgery, treatment of complex spinal injuries/instability, product development, surgeon education. Research Interests: Clinical outcomes database development and clinical trials involvement.
High School: Lee’s Summit High School Lee’s Summit, Missouri Valedictorian
Pre-medical: Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, Missouri B.A. in Biology awarded 1994 Summa Cum Laude
Medical: Duke University School of Medicine M.D. awarded 1998
Internship: Department of Surgery Washington University School of Medicine (1998-1999)
Residency: Resident Physician Department of Neurological Surgery Washington University School of Medicine (1999-June 2004) Chief Resident, Pediatric Neurosurgery Department of Neurological Surgery St. Louis Children’s Hospital Washington University School of Medicine (2001) Clinical Research Fellow Neill Wright, M.D., Mentor Department of Neurological Surgery Washington University School of Medicine (2002) Senior Registrar Department of Neurological Surgery Beaumont Hospital Dublin, Ireland (1/03-6/03) Chief Resident, Adult Neurosurgery Department of Neurological Surgery Washington University School of Medicine (2003-June 2004) Fellow, Complex Spinal Surgery Emory University Dept. of Neurosurgery Gerald R. Rodts, M.D., Mentor Crawford-Long Hospital Atlanta, GA (2004-June 2005)
American Board of Neurological Surgeons – Board Certified 2010.
Oregon (2005-present)
Resident Teaching Award Department of Neurological Surgery Washington University School of Medicine (2001) Talmage Lee Peele Award for Outstanding Research in Neurobiology Duke University School of Medicine (1998) Talmage Lee Peele Award for Neuroanatomy Duke University School of Medicine (1998) W. Alfred Hayes Award for excellence in leadership by example Washington University in St. Louis (1994) Elected Phi Beta Kappa Washington University in St. Louis (1994) Suma Cum Laude Washington University in St. Louis (1994) Varsity Letter – Football Washington University in St. Louis (1993) Len Dawson / Kansas City Chief’s Scholarship winner (1990)
Congress of Neurological Surgeons American Association of Neurological Surgeons Joint Section of Spine and Peripheral Nerve Oregon Medical Association Jackson County Medical Society
Department of Neurological Surgery (2002-present) Washington University in St. Louis Dr. Neill Wright’s laboratory Investigation of the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP’s) and their role in spinal fusion, the interactions of BMP sub-types and the molecular basis of bone induction by BMP, and the role of osteoporosis and bone health on spinal fusion. Division of Neurosurgery (1996-1997) Department of Surgery Duke University School of Medicine Michael Haglund, M.D., PhD. Investigating spread of epileptiform activity in the macaque visual cortex utilizing visual stimulation and optical imaging technique. Department of Cell Biology (1992-1993) Washington University in St. Louis Carl Rovainen, PhD Undergraduate honors thesis produced analyzing the angiogenic effects of macrophages on the developing murine cortical vascular plexus utilizing fluorescent markers to track macrophage migration during development.
  1. Mummaneni PV, Walker DH, Haid RW, Rodts GE: Treatment of Cervical Stenotic Myelopathy: A Comparison of Laminoplasty vs. Laminectomy and Lateral mass fusion. In submission.
  2. Walker DH., Wright NM. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins and Spinal Fusions. Neurosurgical Focus 13(6), 2002.
  3. Walker DH, Mummaneni P, Rodts G. Infected vertebroplasty: report of two operatively managed cases and a review of the literature. Neurosurgical Focus Dec, 2004.
  4. Mummaneni P, Walker DH. Conservative Managaement of Thoracolumbar Deformity. Book chapter in publication.
  5. Walker DH, Rodts GR, Mummaneni P. Current Concepts in Spinal Fusion vs. Non-Fusion. Book Chapter in publication.
  6. Walker DH, Langer JC. Laparoscopic Surgery in Children with Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 35(7): 1104-1105, 2000.
  1. David H. Walker, Praveen Mummaneni. Current Concepts in Spinal Fusion vs. Nonfusion. Dynamic Reconstruction of the Spine. Thieme. New York. 2006.
  2. Praveen V. Mummaneni, David H. Walker, Jeremy N. Ciporen. Conservative Management of Thoracolumbar Deformity. Spinal Deformity: A Guide to Surgical Planning and Management. Quality Medical Publishing. St. Louis. 2008.
  1. Walker DH, Ciporen J, Mummaneni P. Split Cord Malformations: A report of two conservatively managed cases and a review of the literature. Emory University School of Medicine. (AANS poster 4/05).
  2. Mummaneni P, Walker DH, Rodts GR, Haid RW. Cervical Myelopathy Treated via Stand Alone Instrumented Laminoplasty Without Bone Grafts: 26 prospectively followed patients. Emory University School of Medicine. (AANS poster 4/05).
  3. Walker DH, Mummaneni P, Garrett M, Haid RW, Rodts GR. Treatment of Cervical Stenotic Myelopathy: A comparison of laminoplasty vs. laminectomy and lateral mass fusion. Emory University School of Medicine. (oral presentation).
  4. Mummaneni P, Dhall S, Walker DH, Haid R, Rodts G. Cervical Kyphotic Deformity: Correction via Traction and Front/Back Surgery. Oral Platform presentation. Internation Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques. Banff, Canada. 2005.
  1. “Epidural and Subdural Infections and Brain Abscess”. Grand Rounds 12/05/01. Department of Otolaryngology. Washington University School of Medicine.
  2. “Anti-platelet Antibodies and Neurosurgery”. Morbidity and Mortality Conference, 5/01. Department of Neurosurgery. Washington University School of Medicine.
  3. “Meningiomas and Cerebral Edema”. Morbidity and Mortality Conference, 4/18/01. Department of Neurosurgery. Washington University School of Medicine.
  4. “Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: Brief review of clinical features, diagnosis and operative precautions”. Morbidity and Mortality Conference, 5/23/00. Department of Neurosurgery. Washington University in St. Louis.
  5. “Evaluation of the Cervical Spine in the Trauma Patient: a review of the guidelines and literature.” Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, 8/27/02. Department of Neurosurgery. Washington University in St. Louis.
  6. “Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors” Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, 03/19/03. Beaumont Hospital. Dublin, Ireland.
  7. “BMP: Development, Applications and Outcomes.” Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, November 2004. Vanderbilt Department of Neurosurgery, Nashville, Tennessee.
  8. ” Cervical Myelopathy Treated via Stand Alone Instrumented Laminoplasty Without Bone Grafts: 26 prospectively followed patients.” Georgia Neursurgical Socity. Atlanta, Georgia. 2005
  9. “Treatment of Cervical Stenotic Myelopathy: A comparison of laminoplasty vs. laminectomy and lateral mass fusion.” Walker DH, Mummaneni P, Garrett M, Haid RW, Rodts GR. Joint Section of Spine and Peripheral Nerves. Platform presentation. Phoenix, Arizona. March 2005.
  1. Walker DH, Ciporen J, Mummaneni P. Split Cord Malformations: A report of two conservatively managed cases and a review of the literature. Emory University School of Medicine. American Association of Neurological Surgeons. New Orleans, LA. 2005.
  2. Walker DH, Mummaneni P, Garrett M, Haid RW, Rodts GR. Treatment of Cervical Stenotic Myelopathy: A comparison of laminoplasty vs. laminectomy and lateral mass fusion. Emory University School of Medicine. American Association of Neurological Surgeons. New Orleans, LA. 2005.
  3. Mummaneni PV, Walker DH, Haid RW, Rodts GE. Cervical Laminoplasty: 20 Prospectively followed patients. Poster presentation. AANS. New Orleans, LA. 2005.
  4. Mummaneni PV, Walker DH, Haid RW, Rodts GE. Prospective Comparison of Laminoplasty vs. Laminectomy and Lateral Mass Fusion for the Treatment of Cervical Stenotic Myelopathy: Long Term Outcomes. Oral poster presentation. Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Boston, MA. 2005.
Courses (as educator)
  1. Faculty: PEEK Rod education. Salem, Oregon. 2008
  2. Faculty: TLIF, minimally invasive technique. 2007
  3. Faculty: PEEK Rod education. DLIF, TLIF instruction. 2009
  4. Faculty: O-Arm education. 2009
  5. Faculty: O-Arm and minimally invasive TLIF instruction – September, 2009
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